Janome AcuFeed HP2 Foot
My quilt challenge – 324 square-in-square or diamond-in-square on metallic gold painted fabric with seams pressed open requiring a perfect match at every point and intersection. I love my Janome 9400 and love the piecing accuracy I achieve using the HP foot. However with this quilt, at times I was sewing over 9 layers of fabric and folds using a 2.0 stitch length, a challenge for any machine. I was fixing 50% of the points as the fabric would sometime move just a slight bit as it took little tiny bites over the hump leaving me struggling to remove these stitches to make adjustments. I even began using a longer stitch (3.0)and then when all was perfect restitching with a smaller stitch so seam wouldn’t show when pressed open. During a break to rest my eyes, I wandered into see Bill and he handed me this new HP2 Foot. I am sure my draw dropped, how did he know? I was more than over joyed with anticipation as I drove home. I finished my last seam today, 72 inches with 34 points or intersections to match and only had one adjustment to make. This foot really does the job, I even lowered my stitch length to 1.8 as they were all very even no matter how much bulk–a blessing for the now rare occasion when I have to fix something. This sewing machine and the AcuFeed HP2 foot is a precision quilters dream.